Holiday Blues

Published on 9 December 2023 at 22:39

The holiday season is always very hard for me, been that way for years. I know many others out there deal with the same thing but I feel like it's not being talked out enough. That really needs to change.


When I was a kid I used to find joy in Christmas, despite my home life. The decorated tree, bright colored lights, Santa Claus, etc. As I got older, I don't feel that joy anymore. I feel like it's more about material things. Now, I do love my family and I do shop for them, but I don't feel anything. No joy, no merry, nothing. I feel like I'm just struggling and want it to be over with. Ready for the month of December to hurry the fuck up and go into the New Year. 


I love New Year's because I feel like I made it through another year and look forward to what the new year holds in store for me. Then before you know it, Spring is right around the corner. It's my favorite season! Despite my inner struggles the last few years I have grown a lot, learned to love myself more and change my mindset to a more positive one. Things have been working out for me and only getting better.  I'm moving forward as far as careerwise and also growing spiritually. 2023 was a bit of a rough start but I made the best of that situation and learned more about handling stress in a more healthy way. I'm really excited for 2024! Things have been looking up and I am so excited to see what's in store.


But during this time of year, it's so hard. And I know I'm not the only one. And I know some people are dealing with much more difficult situations than I am. Some have lost their jobs, family members, etc. And my heart goes out to them. But just remember that things are not permanent, life is always changing and it will get better. I encourage you to keep going and if you fall, get right back up. You got this! Don't give up! Never give up!


Once again, thank you for taking the time to read this. Until the next post. Stay blessed! - RAR

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